A question re. diversity in hiring

I recently noticed that the City had posted several job openings in the building and planning department. These jobs have a very low turnover rate. So at the 18 March Regular City Council Meeting, I asked the City Manager what steps the City was taking wrt diversity in hiring. I wanted to make sure I

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The changing demographics of Des Moines, Washington

2000 2010 2020 White 74.20% 63.55% 51.30% Black 7.18% 9.08% 7.40% Native American 0.95% 1.07% 0.40% Asian 8.30% 10.66% 11.60% Pacific Islander 1.34% 2.41% 3.00% Other Races 3.29% 7.78% Two or more races 4.74% 5.45% 9.00% Hispanic or Latino 6.61% 15.17% 19.90% Information taken from the U.S. Census Thanks to Meg Tapucol-Provo

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Letter of resignation from Des Moines Diversity Task Force: Meg Tapucol-Provo

4 Comments on Letter of resignation from Des Moines Diversity Task Force: Meg Tapucol-Provo

Subject: Stepping down from the DMPD Diversity Task Force To: Chief Ken Thomas,  Des Moines Police Guild, City Council, etc. To the Members of the Des Moines Police Department Diversity Task Force, I am regretfully writing to inform you that I am stepping down from the Diversity Task Force. In joining this Task Force, my

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2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – proper uses of funds for local governments

1 Comment on 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – proper uses of funds for local governments

According to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), local governments have until December 31, 2024 to spend the funds on eligible purposes.  These funds cannot be banked.  ARPA states that these funds can be spent: To respond to the public health emergency caused by COVID-19 To provide assistance to households, small business, and nonprofits To

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A letter to Port Of Seattle Commission re. SR509 property acquisition

1 Comment on A letter to Port Of Seattle Commission re. SR509 property acquisition

  Commissioners, I have been watching with interest your purchase of the plot of land you refer to as ‘SR 509 Surplus’. Residents of Des Moines refer to it as ‘the forest off of 216th’. We call it that because that entire area used to be forested. The development of the Business Park and FAA

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Des Moines Police Department Historic Officer Staffing Levels

Staffing levels of the DMPD have varied quite a bit since 2000. They began a gradual decline due to various changes to the State taxing system (eg. I-695, liquor tax claw back) but made a come back in 2006 with a voter-approved special purpose property tax lid lift Ordinance 1375. However, the levy expired in

The Hat

It’s just a hat. 🙂 OK, it’s not just a hat. It’s the official hat of the 2001 Detroit Red Wings. 1The finest hockey team ever to lace up skates. This is a screen cap from the video of one of my over fifty public comments at 2Des Moines City Council–and that was before I

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Veterans Day 2020

I always wondered why my father never spoke of his time in the Army. He spent four years in the Service during World War II and in addition to not talking about it he apparently kept no memorabilia of any kind. The whole thing was a complete mystery to me. The short version is that

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