Categories Airport

Happy Earth Day 2020!

It’s hard to explain to people under the age of, oh I dunno, 200, what a big deal Earth Day was back when it began in 1970. I mean there were parties. Big parties. People across the entire political spectrum were engaged with ‘environmentalism’ in a way that is unimaginable now. There was a unified

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Coronavirus Info and Resources

Last Updated:March 7th, 2023 @ 12:17AM
1 Comment on Coronavirus Info and Resources

Oh you think you’re done with COVID? Well COVID is not done with Des Moines. 😀 So here are some of my go to links for information on where you can obtain COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) tests, treatment and vaccinations and treatment. (General FAQs about the virus.)

At the bottom are also some general links to assistance for individuals, families and businesses. If you find other resources you think others should know about? Contact me. 🙂

Vaccinations In King County

COVID Vaccine Finder (

Getting vaccinated in King County – King County

Summary of vaccination rates among King County residents

Testing/Facts about the Coronavirus

Answers to how long to quarantine and isolate, from the Washington Department Of Health


World Data – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations

State By State Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout – The New York Times

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases from Johns Hopkins

King County COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 Indoor Safety Guideline (

Reuters Graphics Tracking The Novel Coronavirus In The U.S.

United States/States Hospital Projections

Wikipedia Washington State Summary Of 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic

CARES Act (Economic Stimulus) Explained

New York Times Explainer On Stimulus Package (PDF)

Partial List Of Highlights:

  • Pandemic Unemployment Insurance
  • Increase in Unemployment Benefits by $600/week (on top of normal benefit) through July
  • Direct Cash Assistance up to $1,200 per individual
  • Small Business Forgivable Loans
  • Emergency Economic Injury Grants up to $10,000 per small business or non-profit
  • Debt Relief for SBA borrowers
  • Resources for Business Counseling Services
  • Eviction protection for renters
  • Mortgage protection for owners
  • Student Loan Deferral
  • Low Income Energy Assistance Program

Small Business and 501(c)(3)s

Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grants

One-Pager Of Small Business provisions of CARES act

Small Business Adminstration: Coronavirus Loan Resources

National Small Business Association COVID-19 Resources


State Of Washington: Financial Resources for Impacted Residents

State Of Washington: Unemployment/Paid Leave

State Of Washington: Department Of Social Services (Housing, Food, SNAP)

Multi-Service Center Energy Assistance (PSE, Seattle City Light)

Propel (Must-have SNAP Benefits phone app)

Other Stuff

King County 4-Culture Cultural Relief Fund (for artists)

TakeOut Des Moines: Restaurants in Des Moines!

Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024

Last Updated:December 28th, 2023 @ 02:03PM
7 Comments on Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024

*Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. Update: 03/12/2022: At the Thursday March 10, 2022 I said I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of competitive elections in Des Moines over the past ten years. I was wrong. Make that twenty. And three of those winners resigned. Some

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Categories Transparency

My preferred Council Appointment process

Digging back into the cobwebs of history, I have researched several other appointment processes (we’ve had five in the past 25 years.) And there seems to have been a system for having eight (8) applicants which worked well. I’ve decided that this is my preferred process, not just because it seems fair, but because it

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Categories Policy, Transparency


3 Comments on Over-compensating?

I’ve gotten at least two dozen phone calls and messages from residents since last Thursday’s City Council Meeting where our City Manager, Michael Matthias had his annual Performance Review. January 23, 2020 City Council Minutes January 23, 2020 City Council Packet. I said much of what I have to say on this from the dais.

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