I need your help…

On March 24th, the City Of Des Moines posted on its web site the following:

The City Council did not receive notification of this via official email.

But, whatever, probably an oversight. So, being someone who is concerned about water quality issues in Des Moines and given the fact that I am a member of the Environment Committee, which has official jurisdiction over storm water management, I shared the announcement on social media.

And then, I did exactly what the announcement asks of the public: I emailed the City representative for the educational materials that we’d give out to any resident.

And I got this reply:

Which is the administration’s way of telling me that the City Manager does not want them to reply to my emails. Even in reply to requests for public comment.

Look, I rarely out this sort of behaviour–though it happens to me literally every week. But in this case it’s kinda tough for me to advocate for you when I get push back on any information requests (even public stuff like materials for educators!)

So if you wouldn’t mind, please email bstryker@desmoineswa.gov and ask for the educational materials referenced in the article and let me know.

Thanks in advance.