Storefront Studio North Parking Lot

In 2008 the City of Des Moines hired the UW School of Architecture (Storefront Studio) to do a ‘reimagining’ of Des Moines. Actually, we did this twice. I keep meaning to upload these images. It covered all of the downtown as well as the Marina. It had all kinds of cool ideas–including making 223rd the

Marina Wayfinding Project

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The UW CEP Marina District Wayfinding Project is a wonderful bit of history I hope you'll find useful and interesting. It's from the January 12, 2012 City Council Packet which is one of the more significant Marina-related meetings in our history. The document was a senior-class project for the UW School of Community Environment Planning which goes over their design ideas for the downtown and the Marina. It's only about twenty pages and very readable. I urge you to look at it because it demonstrates some very important ideas we should be thinking about today.

  • First of all, they worked in concert with a very wide range of stakeholders including the Public Planning Commission we used to have, the Arts Commission, Destination Des Moines and the Des Moines Historical Society.
  • Second, back in the mists of time, there had already been a set of stairs at the end of 223rd leading down to the Marina floor (what is now Parcel A.) They were removed and replaced with Overlook I.  They consider 223rd to be the backbone of the downtown and that having a way to connect Marine View Drive with the Marina floor is crucial. Remember this is 2011, many years before the current Holmes Group Marina Steps Project.
  • They also take a look at all kinds of low-dollar ways to re-imagine the downtown holistically. They mention a series of tourist amenities like signage, consistent theming, kiosks, etc.  Design-wise, they seem to have a bit of a bias towards a historic theme--or at least making the best use of the items that were available at the time. They note that although there is a good deal of public art, they suggest that it is not located in a strategic way, ie. as part of any holistic design.

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A timeline of key events in city planning for the Des Moines Marina

Last Updated:March 8th, 2025
8 Comments on A timeline of key events in city planning for the Des Moines Marina

A list of key events in the history of the Des Moines Marina beginning with 2007 Master Plan, which laid out the broad outlines of the current waterside and landside options. Water side topics include removing the Sling launch, passenger ferry service, dock and seawall financing. Land side topics include segmenting the floor into separate funds, public vs. commercial uses, connection with 223rd, paid parking, boat storage, retail and restaurants....

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Des Moines City Council May 14, 2015 Marina Financing Presentation

1 Comment on Des Moines City Council May 14, 2015 Marina Financing Presentation

At this meeting, the council received, what I considered at the time, to be a fairly sensible plan for dock replacement. It kept the dock finances and the seawall separate and did not pretend to address big 'plans'. The City got yelled at because one method of financing depended heavily on raising moorage rates and raising fuel costs, both of which had always been below market rate. But that had always been intentional; the Marina had been intended as a public marina. What the boat owners failed to acknowledge at the time was that by now most people paying for moorage did not live in Des Moines....

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2013 Budget: All options on the table

1 Comment on 2013 Budget: All options on the table

For me 2013 is the most useful and fascinating year in recent DM history. And if I could, I would insist that every current member of the Council and all future candidates listen to this stuff (especially the April 6, ‘all options on the table’ meeting) and take notes. Introduction As you’ve perhaps heard many times,

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Hell No, Pokemon Go!

On August 18, 2016, the Marina District was so overrun with visitors that your City Council decided to take immediate and decisive action! But then, only a month later, the City asked them to, ya know, maybe re-think that? It was all to do with one of these newfangled phone app games that all the kids

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Pet Haven Pet Cemetery

Format Gallery

Located just south of Kent Des Moines Road Pet Haven Cemetery 23646 Military Rd S. Kent, WA 98032 is one of those interesting spots you never knew existed. I took an interest recently when a cell tower was sited there and a local group began campaigning for the place to be given historical status. I’ll

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The Deputy Mayor and I exchange comments on social media re. Des Moines Creek West

Introduction At the July 12 Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Mayor Mahoney and Deputy Mayor Buxton spoke in favour of the Port taking the 14.4 acre slice of WSDOT land west of the current Des Moines Creek Business Park off 216th. You can watch their testimony and get my take on it here. That afternoon,

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Port of Seattle assigns Panattoni to develop to Des Moines Creek Business Park West

6 Comments on Port of Seattle assigns Panattoni to develop to Des Moines Creek Business Park West

I almost titled this post “This is what a sellout looks like” But I restrained myself. 🙂 At the 12 July Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, the Port voted to proceed with the Item 10b (Des Moines Creek West Ground Lease.) (Presentation.) This is the scrubby forest land west of the FAA building on 216th

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