Court Lobby December 8, 2022

This 90 seconds is the entire evidence behind my January 26, 2023 censure. The event in question occurred after our December 8, 2022 meeting. As soon as I became aware of this video, I requested a copy. I did  not receive it until April 18, 2023 after paying $10.00

0:00 City Attorney Tim George walks to his office. At first I thought he was rushing, but you’ll see that the camera has a ‘fish eye lens’ that makes motion look kinda ‘accelerated’ and jerky.

0:18 I walk out the Court Room doors with the employee and I wave goodbye. She informs me that the main doors are locked and walks with me to unlock them so I can leave.

0:42 She unlocks the door and we stand at opposite sides of the doorway.

0:49 A member of the public passes us and leave, and then a cleaning person works on the Christmas tree. No one reacts to our conversation because there’s nothing to react to. I’m moving my arms a bit in and out of my pockets. But if you look carefully, so is she.

1:30 We conclude our chat, she gives me a polite smile then walks at the same pace as before, back to through the court room doors.

The only thing even remotely questionable about the appropriateness of the interaction, or the censure is that I freely admitted to speaking 2one ‘four letter word’–in a completely non-threatening manner.

Every other element of the 1censure is a complete fabrication. There have been no complaints from other employees. And ‘unprecedented protocols’ is completely meaningless. If any of this blather were true, surely the City would have at least one example. They do not. Because. They. Do. Not. Exist.

Reasonable doubt?

At our January 26 Marina Study Session, the Mayor addressed a public which was skeptical about being blindsided by a plan for a hotel in the Marina’s North Parking Lot. He scolded them for rushing to judgment. He compared the discussion to a court room, telling residents to evaluate all our decisions based on the evidence before, rendering judgment.

Remember that in a court that standard is “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Be honest: do you believe that the above video, supported by no other facts, and a bunch of fibs, meets that standard?

As I said, as soon as I was informed of the complaint I asked for evidence and received none. In fact, I was advised not to attempt any  contact with the employee. And yet, during the two hearings on the matter I was excoriated by my colleagues for not reaching out.

Hopefully, most of you have not been accused of doing something you have not done; and certainly nothing as heinous as being accused of taking advantage of a woman, or repeatedly treating others inappropriately. It is an unpleasant experience and the document, with all those untrue allegations, was sent to every elected in the region–people I’ve spent many years cultivating relationships with.

To wrongfully accuse anyone of such a triggering crime and then padding the charge with phony add-ons is heinous. It is not politics. And anyone who would use a false accusation as a weapon does not deserve to hold office; not merely because it demonstrates cruelty, but because it should call into question every decision they make.

Evidence-based decision making

That is why I went through this exercise. Our current government makes every decision like this. There is usually a tiny ‘fact’ that one cannot even reasonably call a kernel of truth, which then gets spun into a yarn that fits what the majority wants to be true.

Occasionally the end result is good. Many times not. But what our decision making never is? Evidence based. And certainly not what one might call ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’.

And that is what needs to change in Des Moines.

1Some of the untrue portions of the censure. The complete text may be found in the January 26, 2022 Packet referenced above.

WHEREAS, during his tenure, there have been numerous complaints from City staff regarding his demeanor and negative treatment of them, and…

WHEREAS, as a result, City administration has been forced to put in place unprecedented protocols to ensure City staff is protected from offensive or uncomfortable interactions with Councilmember Harris, and

WHEREAS, despite the implementation of these protocols, Councilmember Harris has routinely disregarded them and continues to engage in behavior that places City staff in uncomfortable and inappropriate situations, and…

2You may be shocked to learn that I’ve also heard five of my current colleagues use similar language in the presence of staff. I hope readers will permit me that one bit of hearsay.

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