Kroger Albertsons Safeway QFC Planned Divestiture Locations

Washington Haggen — 1406 Lake Tapps Pkwy E, Auburn Safeway — 101 Auburn Way S, Auburn Albertsons — 2108 W Main St, Battle Ground Safeway — 904 W Main St, Battle Ground QFC — 201 NE State Route 300, Belfair QFC — 10116 NE 8th St, Bellevue QFC — 2636 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue QFC

Experts are watching these six key indicators for Seattle’s economy in 2024

Here are the metrics these nine economists and analysts are paying attention to as 2024 gets underway. By Neetish Basnet – Data reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal What difference a year can make. Fears of recession were widespread this time last year. But, while it’s still early days, the economy seems to have unstuck itself from the

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Public Planning Commission

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Recently the Council has received several messages (and I have personally received more than several messages) concerning the need for improved communication with the City. As you know, I have always been completely on board with this notion. Since the various Marina Hotel proposals we’ve seen an increasing number of requests for better public engagement...

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City Currents Spring 2023 – Less politics, more cooperation, please

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A response to the Mayor's recent editorial in the City Currents Magazine where he again uses that forum to make the case for his policy preferences. I reject using public money to promote a political agenda. He goes on to scold the public for not being more supportive of the City's Marina and economic development plans. I offer some notes on how our downtown got to where it is and some practical suggestions for improving the downtown and Marina without spending millions of dollars....

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Questions for Marina Study Session

Last Updated:February 10th, 2023

These are the questions I put together in advance of our Marina Study Session. Many are from residents and many are extremely well-reasoned. The vast majority concern 'the hotel' and 100% are opposed to siting it in the north parking lot. I conclude by demonstrating the long standing connections with the Port of Seattle and Des Moines Creek Business Park. The insane 'master plan' was always that the DMCBP, a 'ferry', and anything else that might further airport and cruise traffic would bring some economic renaissance to DM....

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Marina Wayfinding Project

2 Comments on Marina Wayfinding Project

The UW CEP Marina District Wayfinding Project is a wonderful bit of history I hope you'll find useful and interesting. It's from the January 12, 2012 City Council Packet which is one of the more significant Marina-related meetings in our history. The document was a senior-class project for the UW School of Community Environment Planning which goes over their design ideas for the downtown and the Marina. It's only about twenty pages and very readable. I urge you to look at it because it demonstrates some very important ideas we should be thinking about today.

  • First of all, they worked in concert with a very wide range of stakeholders including the Public Planning Commission we used to have, the Arts Commission, Destination Des Moines and the Des Moines Historical Society.
  • Second, back in the mists of time, there had already been a set of stairs at the end of 223rd leading down to the Marina floor (what is now Parcel A.) They were removed and replaced with Overlook I.  They consider 223rd to be the backbone of the downtown and that having a way to connect Marine View Drive with the Marina floor is crucial. Remember this is 2011, many years before the current Holmes Group Marina Steps Project.
  • They also take a look at all kinds of low-dollar ways to re-imagine the downtown holistically. They mention a series of tourist amenities like signage, consistent theming, kiosks, etc.  Design-wise, they seem to have a bit of a bias towards a historic theme--or at least making the best use of the items that were available at the time. They note that although there is a good deal of public art, they suggest that it is not located in a strategic way, ie. as part of any holistic design.

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Mayor’s Speech to Des Moines Marina Association Annual Meeting

4 Comments on Mayor’s Speech to Des Moines Marina Association Annual Meeting

A 'private' community presentation by the Mayor to the DMMA membership. I include a transcript, which the DMMA objected to but whatever, because the Mayor revealed a number of items that should have been part of the September 27 public meeting. Must read....

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