Accomplishments. Goals.

On May 22, 2022 I was interviewed by photojournalist Clay Eals for the long-running Seattle Now and Then articles you see every Sunday in the Seattle Times Pacific NW Magazine. The event was a rally to help save the Masonic Home. There were electeds from around the region, but I was the only member of the Des Moines Council. I did not realise it at the time, but this says pretty much everything I want to say about why I ran, why I’m running again, who I am, and what I value. Transparency, Public Engagement, Parks, Environmental Justice, Economic Development, Seniors.

3 years Environment Committee, 2 years Transportation Committee, 2 years Destination Des Moines, 3 years Police Advisory Committee, 3 years King County Flood District Advisory Committee.
Only member of Council to object to numerous ethical lapses by administration and council majority, including Hotel at Marina and removing second reading to ordinances.Voted against salary increases making our City Manager the highest paid in the region, including a $400,000 severance package.
Expanded citizen participation on Police Advisory Committee
Proposed much-needed changes to oversight on key issues, including Marina, Airport, Planning and Downtown.Censured by majority on false charges with no evidence.
Working to end Port of Seattle Property Tax Levy.
Proposed property and utility tax reform to keep at risk seniors in their homes.Voted against utility tax increases.
Worked with Rep. Tina Orwall and Senator Karen Keiser on legislation to install air quality monitors and regulate aviation emissions.
Helped create State Port Package update legislation.
Proposed creating a Director of Environmental Planning to negotiate on airport impacts as well as other environmental issues like water quality and tree canopy.
Founder of SeaTacNoise.Info. Only local group working to obtain compensation for everyone under flight path.
Proposed restoring sound insulation to building code, which was removed by previous council majority!Postponed by Council majority until 2024.

Only former restaurant owner on Council. Knows what brick and mortar owners need. Created restaurant marketing program.
Proposed common sense downtown improvements to parking, signage, marketing and mentorship.
Strong advocate for Food Truck programs and re-opening Coffee Hut at Redondo
Proposed business grant and mentoring programs for all businesses throughout Des Moines.Votes against sweetheart deals like a a ten year lease for Quarterdeck for ($380 a month).
Decades of IT and customer service experience. Proposed complete overhaul of city communication system including new multi-lingual, accessible web site and marketing campaign.

Proposed adoption of phone apps for providing key services, bill pay, issue reporting, public safety, and emergency notification.
Works to organise neighborhood groups on many street-level projects improve roads, trash clean-ups, and public safety.
Proposed Marina Redevelopment Town Hall process.Voted against ending second reading on important ordinances.
Voted to restore Citizens Advisory Committee. Proposed restoring Public Planning Commission which was canceled by previous Council!Proposed public comment period for Committee Meetings and public access to advisory committees.Voted against ending remote participation by the public via Zoom.
Proposed changing policing from reactive model to neighborhood policing.
Proposed (and was passed) legislation to remove derelict vehicles after many resident complaints.
Only member of Council supporting Reach Out Des Moines. Programs which reduced teen violent crime 75% in Pacific Ridge!
Proposed re-opening negotiations with Kent to fix our City border along Pacific Highway
Proposed re-opening negotiations with Port of Seattle for dedicated $1.4M/year Public Safety fund as City of SeaTac has.
Proposed making 272nd police office into a functioning Substation to provide neighborhood policing to Redondo and Woodmont.Voted against a Speed Camera proposal with no locations, date or cost. As predicted, the systems are now delayed and will cost far more.
Proposed developing a plan to hire 12 more officers to return staffing to 2007 levels.Against using tempoary funds to pay for two police officers which runs out in 2024.
Strong advocate for police accountability, including body cameras and civilian oversight committee for complaints.Voted against unrealistic body cam proposal--which took 2.5 years and cost 250% more than promised.
Proposed creating a transparent zoning map to inform public and providers where emergency shelters could be safely located,Voted against an ordinance with no clear guidance for developers or the public as to where services may be legally sited.
Proposed re-instating our own Animal Control Officer—which we had for 25 years and the public loved.Against outsourcing animal control which is in another city, provides less coverage and is not a big money saver
Long time user of marina. Promotes sensible redevelopment based on 2007 plan which preserves north end, shops in center, and improvements for boaters at the south.
Pointed out problems with parking gate system in 2017.Voted for replacement parking system implemented in 2023.
Proposed transparent Marina Redevelopment Town Hall process in 2021.Voted against phony Marina Redevelopment proposals, including non-competitive proposal in Parcel A and then move to North Parking Lot.

Proposed new park and playgrounds at Marina and especially South end of Des Moines.
Proposed more flexible permitting for ADUs and mixed-family housing
Worked to make Steven J, Underwood Park open more hours.
Helped obtain funding for Friends of Saltwater State Park, which provides important water quality monitoring!
Helped obtain funding for Trout Unlimited and Coho Salmon program
Helped build Community Garden at Midway Park.
Long-time member of Reach-Out Des Moines, which provides after school programs for hundreds of teens in Des Moines. Participated in numerous events to support Pacific Ridge neighborhood.
Voted against tearing down historic Van Gasken House.Van Gasken House
Works for community mitigation for negative impacts from SR-509
Proposed creating a second Bus Shuttle to serve the south end of town, connecting upcoming Light Rail Station, Highline College and Marina.Voted against $1,000,000 for passenger ferry which is not supported by either King County or the State and lost money. In its second run it broke down before even starting.
Proposed expansion of Senior Activity Center per original grant plan.
Proposed bringing our highly successful Senior Services programs back into the City where they belong and where they were for decades,Against outsourcing Senior Service programs!

Against subsdising large, well funded private corporations, like Wesley, with funds that should go for city-wide benefit.

Fracas: A letter to the Waterland Blog

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A response to Waterland Blog coverage of our City Council Meeting. The reporter quotes the Mayor's untrue allegations from the dais without obtaining comment from me first--effectively calling me a liar from the dais. I point out that the story was covered by not one but two local TV stations, not to mention the fact that I was there and spoke to several of the principles--including two people on camera in the videos. The editor of the WB claims he could not find any of those stories. I found them in just a few seconds courtesy of Google....

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Wesley Candidate Forum: Four Pinocchios on Marina Hotel

4 Comments on Wesley Candidate Forum: Four Pinocchios on Marina Hotel

If you watch the Wesley Candidate Forum, you will hear a lot of back and forth on various issues. I'm asking you to watch a five minute discussion on the Marina Hotel proposal because I think it explains the City, the Council, and the work I'm doing on your behalf....

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Rob Back – Waterland Blog Candidate Statement

Rob Back, a seasoned maintenance contractor and former council member, is a candidate for the Des Moines City Council, Position 2. With over 35 years of experience, Back brings a wealth of knowledge and a strong track record of accomplishments. Notably, he served as a council member from 2016 to 2020, during which time he

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Categories Campaigning

Cost Per Vote

An article in Sunday’s Seattle Times by Danny Westneat on Ken Wilson’s campaign for Seattle City Council Let’s hear it for engineers! I don’t know Ken Wilson. But I like his argument: “I could bend your ear all day about cost-efficiency” The message I hear is that you can trust his leadership because he knows

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Constructive Criticism

I got the following message from a resident the morning after our last City Council Meeting : “It looks like you guys were getting along. What happened?” 😀 I can only speak for myself: I self-censored. I avoided several uncomfortable conversations that should be happening. Frankly, some nights? I just don’t feel like fighting. Administration

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