Better City Council Meetings #1: Eliminate the presentations!

2 Comments on Better City Council Meetings #1: Eliminate the presentations!

This is the first in a series of changes to our City Council Meetings I’d like to see. This particular change has to do with managing the length of meetings, which was especially problematic at the August 6th ‘Budget Retreat’ (Video). And before we dive in, I don’t want to be a tease, but I

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Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024

Last Updated:December 28th, 2023 @ 02:03PM
7 Comments on Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024

*Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. Update: 03/12/2022: At the Thursday March 10, 2022 I said I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of competitive elections in Des Moines over the past ten years. I was wrong. Make that twenty. And three of those winners resigned. Some

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My preferred Council Appointment process

Digging back into the cobwebs of history, I have researched several other appointment processes (we’ve had five in the past 25 years.) And there seems to have been a system for having eight (8) applicants which worked well. I’ve decided that this is my preferred process, not just because it seems fair, but because it

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