The drone show was an experiment--and an expensive one at that. I do not believe it provided nearly the entertainment value of fireworks and cannot do so without spending several times the money. So in 2024 I propose a different experiment using those same drone funds: Firm enforcement of illegal fireworks....
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These numbers surprised me. I’m not sure why because, until I saw this I honestly had no idea what to expect. And I’d be interested to know what you think. Higher than you thought? Lower? About what you expected? Arrests for possession and paraphernalia are both coded as VCUSA. It took a bit of work
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Roughly speaking, how much annual revenue does the City receive from pet licenses? I asked that question from the dais months before I filed Public Records Request #16116 with the City. It was information I thought would be useful in deciding whether or not to move Animal Control Services to Burien C.A.R.E.S. When I originally
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I struggled to not publish this. I ran for office in 2019 to improve transparency and reduce the rubber stamping. But after almost two and a half years, I gotta say, things may actually be getting worse. But this has become truly alarming. Perhaps my colleagues are simply unaware of how business is supposed to be conducted.
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Following the shooting of a dog by DMPD that had gotten out of its yard, the City Council created an Ad Hoc Committee to do a lessons learned and establish policies going forward. The story of ‘Rosie the Newfoundland’ got national press coverage and led to a legal settlement with the owners. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/des-moines-to-pay-51000-over-fatal-shooting-of-dog/
There is an upcoming discussion about outsourcing Animal Control Officer (ACO) services to Burien CARES. For people new to Des Moines, this may seem like not such a big deal. Frankly, the service has not been great the past couple of years for a couple of reasons I won’t go into here. Suffice it to
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