RCW 42.30.110 Executive sessions

(1) Nothing contained in this chapter may be construed to prevent a governing body from holding an executive session during a regular or special meeting: (a)(i) To consider matters affecting national security; (ii) To consider, if in compliance with any required data security breach disclosure under RCW 19.255.010 and 42.56.590, and with legal counsel available, information regarding the

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Highline Academics: Prepare to be Disappointed

By Stuart Jenner. Are you curious about how your neighborhood school is performing in English and Math? Be prepared for disappointment: 14 of the 17 elementary schools in Highline are below or far below state averages. In this election season, common buzzwords include  “alignment with the Strategic Plan”, “SEL is going to fix everything”  or

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Officials to SMN: Gangs, social media to blame for rising PNW teen crime

BY BILL KACZARABA MyNorthwest Content Editor A pair of elite law enforcement officials say gangs, staff shortages, and social media are to blame for increasing teen crime rates in the area. King County Prosecuting Attorney Leesa Manion and Kent Police Chief Rafael Padilla were on Seattle’s Morning News on KIRO Newsradio Tuesday. When addressing the increase in teen crime,

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Fracas: A letter to the Waterland Blog

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A response to Waterland Blog coverage of our City Council Meeting. The reporter quotes the Mayor's untrue allegations from the dais without obtaining comment from me first--effectively calling me a liar from the dais. I point out that the story was covered by not one but two local TV stations, not to mention the fact that I was there and spoke to several of the principles--including two people on camera in the videos. The editor of the WB claims he could not find any of those stories. I found them in just a few seconds courtesy of Google....

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Wesley Candidate Forum: Four Pinocchios on Marina Hotel

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If you watch the Wesley Candidate Forum, you will hear a lot of back and forth on various issues. I'm asking you to watch a five minute discussion on the Marina Hotel proposal because I think it explains the City, the Council, and the work I'm doing on your behalf....

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Des Moines eyes eco-friendly hydro-foiled boats to ease Seattle traffic congestion

by Denise Whitaker, KOMO News Reporter Thu, October 5th 2023, 3:51 PM PDT This Navier boat is a pre-production model that holds 6 passengers, but the company says it’s totally scalable to 60′. (KOMO News) DES MOINES, Wash. — It’s no secret that the greater Seattle area deals with a lot of traffic congestion. And

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Police departments facing ‘historic crisis’ in finding, keeping officers should make changes: DOJ report

Story by Bart Jansen, USA TODAY •6h WASHINGTON – Police departments are grappling with “an historic crisis in recruiting and retaining” officers because of a tight labor market during the pandemic and community frustrations, the Justice Department said, recommending a series of policy changes Tuesday to find and keep officers. The recommendations came in response to a survey of 182 police

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Newly Released 2022-23 Highline Schools Performance Data Is Disappointing

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By Stuart Jenner It is commonly believed K12 students had significant learning losses as a result of Covid. How is the recovery going in Highline, other nearby districts, and in the state as a whole? The newest test data has discouraging news. Just released on the Washington State Report Card in the past week by the Office of

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