Strategy Meeting Proposals

Submitted to Councilmembers as “information only” March 18, 2022 Colleagues, At the 7 April, 2022 Strategy meeting I will present the following items: Pg 1. Councilmember Research Process Pg 2. Committee/Meeting Modernisations Pg. 4. Digital Presence  #1. Councilmember Research Process: This is modeled on the SeaTac City Council Request Form (CRF.) The process is very

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The web site is an essential city service

This is the Des Moines City Web Site… as captured by our friend the Wayback Machine… on November 30, 2021 And this is the site as it exists on 12/05/2021 Notice anything missing? The Search. I guess someone decided that since it doesn’t work, hey… who needs it right? 😃 It’s just a problem… Everyone

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A letter to Selena Taylor

Selena Taylor is the mother of a young man killed at La Familia Sports Pub on Pacific Highway September 26, 2021. Hi, I am writing you today to (hopefully) respond a bit more clearly to your public comment last night. Just as you and Betty were speaking it dawned on me that this weekend is,

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Marina Redevelopment Talking Points

On August 6, 2021, the City Of Des Moines published its 2021 Draft Marina Master Plan Update.  Almost immediately, residents began speaking with me about serious concerns. I was asked to create ‘talking points’ to try to put those concerns into something digestible. The City’s current information is presented here at If you can

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Categories Engagement, Marina

Marina Redevelopment Town Hall ARPA Proposal

17 Comments on Marina Redevelopment Town Hall ARPA Proposal

My fifth formal proposal to the City Council for ARPA spending is to fund a multi-media presentation ‘explainer’ and Town Hall for Marina Redevelopment. Background The City recently released it’s 2021 Draft Marina Master Plan, which I’ll refer to here as ‘Marina Redevelopment’. But having now spoken with a lot of residents who are lobbying

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City Of SeaTac Administration and Finance Committee August 12 2021

This is the packet for the City Of SeaTac’s Admin & Finance Committee. I try to tell people how differently each City runs and if you don’t have time to watch the meetings you can still see it from their packets. In this meeting, they displayed a vendor proposal on hybrid meetings (ie. after we

Committee Video Recordings

The City is making good on a proposal I made at our June 20th City Council Meeting to publish the video of Committee Meetings. The first batch are now available on the Des Moines Councilmember Youtube Channel. Go get ’em! Thanks to Councilmember Martinelli and Deputy Mayor Mahoney for supporting the idea. And of course,

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