Sound insulation should be standard equipment

3 Comments on Sound insulation should be standard equipment

At Thursday’s meeting, I introduced an item of New Business. Basically an ‘undo key’ on Ordinance 1539 from 2012. Or to put it another way, to re-instate Ordinance 1407 from 2007. To be less confusing: We used to have a section in our building code (Ordinance 1407 from 2007) which required sound insulation in all

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Numbers and goals

A common story I hear is that “Our downtown was always terrible! All the construction cranes since 2016? That means we’re (finally) moving forward!” But OTOH, here are a couple of budget numbers from 2008–right before the bottom dropped out. Note the Sales Tax revenue: Remember: that represents the money that people spend here. It’s

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Proposed Budget Amendments 2021

2 Comments on Proposed Budget Amendments 2021

Submitted to Councilmembers as “information only” November 13, 2021 Fellow Councilmembers, At Thursday’s meeting I will present the following six budget amendment items, most of whichh I have already discussed with Beth Anne and Dan Brewer on November 4. They total $41,204. $5,000 of which is a one-time expense and the remaining $36,204 to be

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Debt, Freedom, Vaccines and Stimulus

Councilmembers routinely get anonymous emails advocating for some issue–often using hyperbolic language. I got one this week saying “Vaccine Mandates Are Slavery!” To which I reply: No, dude. Slavery is slavery. But OK, being told you have no choice to get a vaccine is, to some degree, a loss of freedom. I’m not trying to

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