Introduction At the July 12 Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Mayor Mahoney and Deputy Mayor Buxton spoke in favour of the Port taking the 14.4 acre slice of WSDOT land west of the current Des Moines Creek Business Park off 216th. You can watch their testimony and get my take on it here. That afternoon,
... continue reading.Economic Development
All or nothing thinking…
Almost everything useful I’ve ever learned came from marriage counseling. 😃 I’m always fascinated how opinions about “the airport” so often fall into what therapists call “all or nothing thinking“. People will say things like The airport was here first! You did hear the airplanes flying overhead when you were looking at houses, right? Don’t like
... continue reading.Sound insulation should be standard equipment
3 Comments on Sound insulation should be standard equipmentAt Thursday’s meeting, I introduced an item of New Business. Basically an ‘undo key’ on Ordinance 1539 from 2012. Or to put it another way, to re-instate Ordinance 1407 from 2007. To be less confusing: We used to have a section in our building code (Ordinance 1407 from 2007) which required sound insulation in all
... continue reading.Numbers and goals
A common story I hear is that “Our downtown was always terrible! All the construction cranes since 2016? That means we’re (finally) moving forward!” But OTOH, here are a couple of budget numbers from 2008–right before the bottom dropped out. Note the Sales Tax revenue: Remember: that represents the money that people spend here. It’s
... continue reading.Some see things that never were…
I’ll say. 😀 At our last City Council Meeting, our City Manager opened the discussion of selecting the developer for Parcel A by recounting that, early in his career he had been given a fellowship by the Robert F Kennedy for work with low income families in Oakland, California. I had no idea what that
... continue reading.Parcel A
11 Comments on Parcel AAt our November 18, 2021 meeting, we chose a developer to enter into an exclusive negotiating agreement with the City to develop Parcel A of the Marina Floor as described in the RFQ from our 18 November 2021 Meeting. Essentially, it was a job interview. Drama? After the meeting I got some feedback telling me
... continue reading.Proposed Budget Amendments 2021
2 Comments on Proposed Budget Amendments 2021Submitted to Councilmembers as “information only” November 13, 2021 Fellow Councilmembers, At Thursday’s meeting I will present the following six budget amendment items, most of whichh I have already discussed with Beth Anne and Dan Brewer on November 4. They total $41,204. $5,000 of which is a one-time expense and the remaining $36,204 to be
... continue reading.Debt, Freedom, Vaccines and Stimulus
Councilmembers routinely get anonymous emails advocating for some issue–often using hyperbolic language. I got one this week saying “Vaccine Mandates Are Slavery!” To which I reply: No, dude. Slavery is slavery. But OK, being told you have no choice to get a vaccine is, to some degree, a loss of freedom. I’m not trying to
... continue reading.My six ARPA proposals
1 Comment on My six ARPA proposalsUpdate 08/31/21: Since this original post, I have added two other proposals for a total of six. I’ve added them below. As I said in the Christmas in July post on spending our $9M in stimulus money, after the July 22 City Council Meeting, Councilmembers were given an application by the City Manager to fill
... continue reading.Economic Development Committee Meeting Presentation 07.29.2021
HB1220 presentation from Eric Lane and Matthew Hutchins