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Weekly Update: 03/12/2023

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Last City Council Meeting featured two housing issues. Orcas. An essay on how we got into the mess we’re in with the airport, which is really another land use issue, why we continue to handle it incorrectly… and something about casinos? 😀 Why I’m on the fence about HB1110 and multi-family housing.

Weekly Update: 02/26/2023

Categories Engagement, Policy, Transparency, Weekly Updates2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/26/2023

This Week: City Council meeting features ‘goal setting’. I offer a review of last year’s similar meetings–and how the Communications Consultant deal got started.
Last Week: City Council meeting features Future Cities, communications consultant contract and more cop cars.
A follow up to last week’s essay on The Hard Fork, which for Des Moines means not making the same mistakes over and over… and over.

Weekly Update: 02/19/2023

Categories Marina, Policy, Transparency, Weekly Updates2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/19/2023

This Week: City Council meeting features Future Cities, communications consultant contract and more cop cars.
Last Week: Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Highline MAST meeting on Water Quality.

A link to an essay on the Hard Fork. An engineering term referring to the decision to move in a new direction and the most successful case study I can think of: Microsoft.

Weekly Update: 02/12/2023

Categories Marina, Policy, Transparency, Weekly Updates2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/12/2023

This Week: Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Highline MAST meeting on Water Quality.

Last week testimony on SB5199, a bill to provide funding for Local Journalism co-sponsored by our own Senator Karen Keiser. DMMA Meeting. Meetings with several groups on Des Moines Memorial Drive and SR509.
Thursday: Auditor Exit Interview. Good report except for a minor ding on ARPA accounting.

A link to an essay on Equity, which will sound a lot like another ‘Marina’ thing, but really it’s about spending the largest chunks of money in our City’s history in a way that’s fair for the entire community. Including you. 🙂