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Weekly Update: 06/18/2023

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News on Boil Water Notice, North Sea-Tac Park, Ferry Cancellation, New Police Chief Tim Gately This week: Meeting on Rules of Procedure, Economic Development meeting on Comprehensive Plan Last week: Taking a bit of a break. :) A bit of a rant on our flag pole....

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Categories Public Safety

Drug Arrests in Des Moines, WA 2018-2022

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These numbers surprised me. I’m not sure why because, until I saw this I honestly had no idea what to expect. And I’d be interested to know what you think. Higher than you thought? Lower? About what you expected?

Arrests for possession and paraphernalia are both coded as VCUSA. It took a bit of work from the public records office to tease out the distinction. That’s actually what got me wondering about this–why are they linked together?

VCUSA 2018-2022
Paraphernalia OnlyDrug Posession OnlyBothInformation-N/ATotal
A summary of arrests for drug possession and/or paraphernalia over a five year period

The argument I used to have with our last Chief of Police was over statistics. Not their validity, but rather how important it was to provide them.

He was not a fan of providing this sort of information. But for me, it’s very important. And since they are not hard to prepare I never understood why we wouldn’t provide them.

One theory is that, for some people ‘safety’ is not a numbers game; it’s a sense of well-being. If you provide a table showing that there are fewer crimes of a certain type, that may be irrelevant if people don’t feel safe. In fact, it may even anger some, “Don’t tell me things aren’t as bad as all that!”

I don’t know what to do with that because Des Moines–like every City– spends every dime possible on public safety (always over 50% of our General Fund.) And you have to have some way to determine how best to spend limited resources.

Weekly Update: 06/11/2023

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This week: Taking a bit of a break. :) But last week? Last week was huuuuuuge. Last week: Transportation Committee, Environment Committee, City Council meeting features $26MM bond sales, Housing Action Plan, New Rules of Procedure, Marina Security/Cameras. Aviation Town Hall Meeting. ...

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Weekly Update: 06/04/2023

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This week: City Council meeting features $26MM bond sales, Housing Action Plan, Redondo Speed Cameras, New Rules of Procedure Last week: Memorial Day at Des Moines Memorial Drive. City Council meeting features $26MM bond sales, Housing Action Plan, Redondo Speed Cameras, New Rules of Procedure...

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Categories History

Living Road of Remembrance Utility Wraps Memorial Day 2023

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Meet Des Moines artist Daniel Wend. He created the WWI utility wraps along Des Moines Memorial Drive for the Living Road of Remembrance. The Des Moines Memorial Drive Preservation had the official ribbon cutting today at Sunnydale Elementary School as part of their Memorial Day ceremony. The wraps begin at 116th and move south to...

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Weekly Update: 05/28/2023

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This week: Memorial Day at Des Moines Memorial Drive. City Council meeting features $26MM bond sales, Housing Action Plan, Redondo Speed Cameras, New Rules of Procedure Last week: Economic Development Committee Last week: Work on tree cover, Reach Out Des Moines, South King County Housing & Homelessness Partnership May 11 Meeting Review

  • Beach Park Estuary de-armoring.
  • Downtown storefront vandalism reimbursement program.

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Weekly Update: 05/21/2023

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Campaign 2023 Announcement This week: Economic Development Committee: Bond sales, Housing Action Plan, Height Limits. This should be interesting! Last week: Work on tree cover, Reach Out Des Moines, South King County Housing & Homelessness Partnership May 11 Meeting Review

  • Beach Park Estuary de-armoring.
  • Downtown storefront vandalism reimbursement program.

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Weekly Update: 05/14/2023

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Environment Committee - cleanup behind engineering building May 11 Meeting Review

  • SR3 presentation.
  • Beach Park Estuary de-armoring.
  • Legislative update on Redondo, Drug Possession law.
  • Downtown storefront vandalism reimbursement program.
  • Barnes Creek Trail bike paths and mitigation explainer.
  • Re-instating our sound requirements in building code.

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Weekly Update: 05/07/2023

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Upcoming May 11 Meeting. You should definitely read the packet and watch the meeting. And a review of last week's very important meeting:

  • Ferry Pilot v2. Fun for the family. And for $900 grand it oughta be!
  • Drug Ordinance postponed. Hopefully the State comes through.
  • Housing Action Plan Presentation. The good, the bad, and the people we didn't hear from.
Plus a new program to help with business vandalism and an update on some important state legislation on airport pollution monitoring....

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