At Thursday’s meeting, I introduced an item of New Business. Basically an ‘undo key’ on Ordinance 1539 from 2012. Or to put it another way, to re-instate Ordinance 1407 from 2007. To be less confusing: We used to have a section in our building code (Ordinance 1407 from 2007) which required sound insulation in all
... continue reading.History
Numbers and goals
A common story I hear is that “Our downtown was always terrible! All the construction cranes since 2016? That means we’re (finally) moving forward!” But OTOH, here are a couple of budget numbers from 2008–right before the bottom dropped out. Note the Sales Tax revenue: Remember: that represents the money that people spend here. It’s
... continue reading.Des Moines City Currents: October 1990
Des Moines, Washington City Council 1996-2022
Modern Des Moines begins in 1996, with the last annexation: Redondo/Woodmont.
... continue reading.Bloody Sunday 50th Anniversary in Northern Ireland and Black History Month in America
2 Comments on Bloody Sunday 50th Anniversary in Northern Ireland and Black History Month in AmericaThis is an article about Black History Month, but it will take a while to get there. This photo is one of many annual marches to commemorate Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland (the event the U2 song comes from) where police shot and killed 26 unarmed and peaceful protesters. Today is the 50th anniversary. What
... continue reading.Newgrange
Leave a comment on Newgrange
3,200 B.C. This is Newgrange which is sort of like the Irish version of Stonehenge. Trés cool, right? Now, the following will be a bit raw for Americans because most you have some very happy relationship with Ireland involving relatives, St. Patrick, drinking, uncomfortable sweaters, and so on. But all that “wearin’ of the green”...
Historic Resource Report for Masonic Home, David Peterson Consulting #LUA2019-0032
Masonic Home of Washington 23660 Marine View Drive South Des Moines, Washington 98198 Historic Resource Report May 27, 2020 Prepared for Zenith Properties, LLC David Peterson historic resource consulting PO Box #115 Seattle WA 98111 P:206-376-7761 LUA2019-0032 LUA2019-0032_Historical_Resource-2020-05-27-FINL-Peterson_292247792
Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024
7 Comments on Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024*Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. Update: 03/12/2022: At the Thursday March 10, 2022 I said I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of competitive elections in Des Moines over the past ten years. I was wrong. Make that twenty. And three of those winners resigned. Some
... continue reading.