At the 25 July 2024 City Council meeting, the City put up a slide contradicting some of my concerns over the 2006 Lid Lift.
I told staff months ago that when the previous (2006) levy lid lift passed that it had led to more police in the first year, but that police staffing had dropped every year thereafter. That was all true.

I also said that the City had created a dedicated account to hold the lid lift money. And that the City had simply moved money around in order to pay general expenses. That was also true.
However, at Thursday’s meeting, the City put up this slide:

The claim that there was no designated fund for levy proceeds was untrue.
As this page from the 2009 budget makes clear (see red arrows), the City created just such an account after the 2006 levy passed. “Property tax revenues generated by the levy lid lift are segregated in a Special Revenue Fund called the Police Restoration Fund (Fund 112)”