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Councilmember Martinelli arrest

Friday October 22nd, I was informed by Chief Of Police Ken Thomas that Councilmember Anthony Martinelli had been arrested and booked into SCORE jail. That night I issued a statement on Councilmember Martinelli’s arrest. I did so to respond to what I felt was a politicised press release by the Mayor. I’m not trying to hide anything, but if you have not heard about this, forgive me if this is one time where I’ll leave it to you to search around for specifics as to the allegations. And you can get the police report from the City by doing a Public Records Request.

On Tuesday October 26, Councilmember Martinelli was released on bail.

Look, I seem to drive everyone nuts at some point, but I insist on a fair process–not just when it’s convenient. The story was “Mayor Calls For Resignation!” and it should have simply been “Councilmember Arrested…”, followed afterwards by Mayor Pina’s reaction.

Just for context:

  1. The City Council has no authority to remove a Councilmember in this case.
  2. The only possible related grounds for removal would be if a Councilmember misses three consecutive meetings.
  3. There are four remaining meetings this year.
  4. The next meeting is November 4, which will be after the election.
  5. We are holding meetings via Zoom so a Councilmember can legally attend a meeting from any location. Normally, a CM is allowed only a couple of ‘remote attendances’ per year, but these are not normal times.
  6. When a DM Councilmember was arrested in 2015 on one of the same charges, that person immediately resigned.
  7. On the other hand, a CM in Burien was arrested also on the same charge in 2019 and is still on that City Council.
  8. So, I leave it to the reader to ascertain how much of Mayor Pina’s press release was motivated by politics versus passion.

But in this ‘all or nothing’ culture, I assume that anyone who reads this will assume that I am somehow defending Mr. Martinelli. Not at all. I just want people to understand that whatever outrage anyone feels? The rest of the Council has no control over the situation. And I don’t feel like my personal feelings (trust me, I got ’em) should come into play. As I always tell people: this is a professional relationship and until events change? He still has a vote.

I’m just trying to let people know what happened, but without sensationalising or politicising the matter.