Categories Marina, Transparency

Better information for upcoming Marina Study Session

At our January 12 City Council Meeting, the Mayor (unilaterally) laid out his plan for the upcoming January 26 Study Session concerning Marina Redevelopment. guess this means that your chance for public comment is in the middle?

In September of 2021, I made a detailed proposal for Marina Redevelopment Town Halls, including a virtual rendering (an example of which you can see in that proposal.)

You may not know the term ‘virtual rendering’, but you have all seen something like it, whether you call it ‘CGI’ or ‘animation’. Regardless, it just lets you ‘walk around’ every aspect of the proposal. The idea was to make this a dynamic process. It would be flexible enough to show you all the various options (some of which conflict with one another) and the model would be updated every time the planning changed.

Our Finance Director, mentioned that budget item in his report on ARPA spending, but said that to date no money had been spent. He just said the City was still “coordinating with consultants.” I have no idea what that means.

So, at the end of the January 12 meeting, I asked that the City use some of that money specifically to get the designer (Skylab of Portland, OR) to send us that 3D rendering so that that both the Council and the public could see it at the January 26 meeting. You can see/hear the results for yourself below.

Frankly, I need your help. The City has received over 100 letters objecting to a hotel at the Marina. I’ve received as many at my web site.

But if you want to know why you have not received good information yet about the proposals in play? This interaction says it all. When people on the dais are so misleading? When no one is willing to speak in support of what we already know you want? The only option is for you the public to speak up.

I took the time to make that Marina Redevelopment Town Hall Proposal because even in two years ago I knew what people wanted. I made it specific, because the whole Marina deal is complicated. It’s one of those things where, if you do not spell out what you want to happen you will not get what you want. You may get a substitute (like a Town Hall with no microphone!) but you will not get what you want. And I want you to get what you want.

Again, the January 26 meeting is not an open forum (town hall). It is simply a one-issue City Council Meeting. You cannot assume that meeting will provide the information you have a right to expect  unless the items in that proposal are available before the meeting.

I know this because I have attended all three community meetings concerning the Marina over the past six years (yes, only three in six years). Like the last one on September 27 with no recording and not even a microphone. There has been no mea culpa. No “Yeah, we need to do better next time.” My colleagues could have sent a strong signal that they hear you– simply by voting (after 15 months) to make that happen. They did not. And that also sends a strong signal.

I therefore urge you to the City Council and ask specifically that we implement my Marina Redevelopment Town Hall Proposal, now, and insist that all presentation materials be available in advance of the meeting, including the 3D Rendering we budgeted for in September, 2021.

That will make certain that you have the essential information you need to see and understand what you’re being asked to support for your Marina and your City’s future.

As always, it is my honour to serve you, Des Moines.



0:14 Mayor Matt Mahoney

“…so getting back to where I was uh the announcement concerning the January 26th study session concerning the Marina development the meeting will be held in council chambers here. Council chambers can hold a large number of people where all can see the screens using council chambers that allows us to live stream the meetings from the links from the website and channel 21. Using council chambers allows us to live stream presentations otherwise they would be available in the packets after the fact. We have additional space for attendees if needed using two other conference rooms with TVs for live streaming. Use Council Chambers we have quality audio visual recording for future playbacks and ensuring the recording future viewers is for for future viewers is imperative this is also study sessions iteration.

I just want to talk about the format of the meeting. It’ll be the presentation by staff, it’ll be Council questions, public comment, Council discussion and then the meeting will adjourn. Obviously, it’ll probably take some time but that’s kind of the layout…

27:11 Incoming Finance Director Jeff Friend

Also there was Marina Redevelopment Community presentation materials that was approved for twenty thousand none of that has yet been expended. We are coordinating with consultants for multimedia materials.

1:06:10 JC Harris

So since it was mentioned tonight. We did allocate twenty thousand dollars for the virtual Marina Town Hall idea I had. And I am about a hundred percent certain that Skylab has a 3D rendering of their ideas. And I know that it’s extremely confusing for the public to only see that 2D Crow’s eye view. So I would like… there’s plenty of time to ask them to produce a 3D model and have it available for the 26th meeting. And I would move that we take some money out of that fund to do so.


Councilmember Harris first of all it’s not the Marina Town Hall you’re talking the Marina Development correct?


Yeah, but the whole point of the proposal was to allocate some funds for the…

(Mahoney interrupts)

It was already mentioned in the work of working with the service to do that, so I think we let staff do the job when was this mentioned in the presentation that’s the way I heard it.


When was this mentioned?


In the presentation.


I heard nothing about any kind about 3D rendering or even when it would happen.


Uh, maybe you were on your cell phone. Maybe that’s why?

(turns to City Manager) Um do you have something to say?

But all right you’re saying that, anyway it’s in the process so I don’t think this is necessary but if you can get two other people then take it away…


I wanna know that the 3D fly through that I proposed and we’ve voted for will be available at the meeting because I know that Skylab and every architect and urban planner and engineer on the planet uses that software.


Okay, so we we got the gist of it. Yeah, do I have two supporters for this? Seeing none we will move on.

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