This Week Monday: Happy Martin Luther King Day! Meeting with Councilmember Satwinder Kaur of Kent. She’s on the Sound Cities Association (SCA) Puget Sound Clean Air Committee. Regional organizations like this are something Des Moines needs to get more involved with. Just one, kind of a weedsy detail: there are no pollution monitors around Sea-Tac
... continue reading.Weekly Updates
Every week I provide an update on what I’m doing, public service announcements, ways to get involved, info on the City and what the City is planning!
Weekly Update: 01/12/2020
This Week On Wednesday, I’ll be having a weekly meeting with the City Manager, Michael Matthias. All Councilmembers try to have weekly contact to go over questions, concerns. I prefer to do these face to face. I’ll also be attending a Reach Out Des Moines meeting at Pacific Middle School. This is a group of
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 01/05/20
This Week This is an ACTION-PACKED WEEK! ๐ Sprinkled throughout the week are short “Hi There!” meetings to various CCs in other airport communities. I kind of have a leg up in that I already know at least a few CCs in all six cities as part of my ‘airporty’ stuff over the years. But
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 12/22/19
My first meeting on the City Council will be Thursday January 9th at 7PM at City Hall (21630 11th Avenue Des Moines, WA 98198). There will be a brief ‘swearing in’ ceremony at the beginning. So… you know… mark your calendar. ๐ By the way, Des Moines subscribers to Comcast can watch this (or any
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 12/15/19
My first meeting on the City Council will be Thursday January 9th at 7PM at City Hall (21630 11th Avenue Des Moines, WA 98198). There will be a brief ‘swearing in’ ceremony at the beginning. So… you know… mark your calendar. ๐ By the way, Des Moines subscribers to Comcast can watch this (or any
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 12/8/19
1 Comment on Weekly Update: 12/8/19This week I’ve been very remiss in replying to messages due to some sort of virus which has kept me trapped in a spot between “Lord, take me now!” and “Lord, if you get me outta this I promise I’ll be a better person!”… for the past 4-5 days. Apologies. FYI… South Seattle College is
... continue reading.Weekly Update 12/1/19
This Week Monday, I’ll be meeting with Bill Linscott of the Des Moines Marina Association. The Marina is near and dear to my heart and I look forward to being a strong advocate for sailors, boaters, fisher…er… people. ๐ Tuesday will be more Salmon Counting, which I’ll talk about next week because it’s one of
... continue reading.Weekly Update 11/24/19
1 Comment on Weekly Update 11/24/19A bit slow getting this done. Got like two hundred sign-ups this week! Some are trolls of course, so it takes a while to weed out the (obvious) goofballs. Anyhoo…THANKS FOR SIGNING UP! So next week will be short, of course. I’ll be meeting with our State Rep. Tina Orwall on legislation to provide relief
... continue reading.Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking…
Sorry for another post so quickly. As I said before, I’m still figuring this out: should I post about stuff I did or stuff that’s coming up? Frankly, I had hoped to to take it easy after the election and get organisi-ised, but unfortunately, November tends to be the busiest time of the year for
... continue reading.I Don’t Ride Around In The Golf Cart
This is my first post-election post. In the future, my posts will be mostly about what I’m doing (events, etc.) But for this first time I need to ask a favour. But first: for ‘transparency’s sake, I’ve hidden away all the ‘candidate’ stuff. Not to be sneaky, just because the campaign is over (it is
... continue reading.