This Week It’s all very hush hush. Totally on the QT. Or is it on the down low? OK, maybe it’s just a slow week. So why not give me a call? (206) 878-0578. Last Week Tuesday: Port Of Seattle General Meeting. This is a biggee in that the Commission voted to proceed with their
... continue reading.Weekly Updates
Every week I provide an update on what I’m doing, public service announcements, ways to get involved, info on the City and what the City is planning!
Weekly Update: 05/25/2020
This Week Tuesday: Port Of Seattle General Meeting. This is a biggee in that the Commission will be voting to proceed with their long-term plan ‘Century Agenda’ which is their long term blueprint for growth. What I am asking them to consider is that they hold off since there is no reasonable way to plan
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 05/17/2020
This Week Tuesday 9AM: SCATbd Meeting. If you have concerns about anything transportation-related, check this out. Tuesday: Burien Airport Committee Meeting (note their calendaring system? 🙂 ) Wednesday: Reach Out Des Moines Zoom Meeting Wednesday: Puget Sound Regional Council CARES Act recovery webinar Thursday: 30th Legislative District COVID 19 phone call. Last Week Monday: Disassembling
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 05/11/2020
I get complaints from the public (and my colleagues) that I’m over-simplifying or trivializing some topic by being so short. And I try to say that these things are already too frickin’ long! If I don’t simplify, every post would be like Municipal War And Peace. (Boy I really want to read that. Not.) Also,
... continue reading.Why Meeting Minutes Matter
2 Comments on Why Meeting Minutes MatterIt’s always great to begin with an alliteration, right? 😀 This article explains why I objected to the Consent Agenda at the 7 May City Council Meeting which caused something of a ‘consent agenda kerfuffle’ and then goes on to discuss the importance of ‘Minutes’. This Week’s Hate Mail I do get hate mail after
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 05/04/2020
1 Comment on Weekly Update: 05/04/2020This Week Monday: The City will unveil its EATS Restaurant Voucher Program to support restaurant owners. Very cool idea. I have a question about re-purposing the original grant funding from King County (which was intended for something slightly different), but I’m assuming we got permission so that’s fine. Just so long as it doesn’t short
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 04/27/2020
Note #1: I know the web site has been flaky the past week. Sorry. I think it’s reIatively glitch-free now. Note #2: Yeah, I’m late again. My web server is broken. The sun got in my eyes. My dog ate my server. This Week Monday: Phone call with 33rd State Rep. Tina Orwall to discuss
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 04/19/2020
Port of the masked artist and dog at North Hill Elementary. Bear maintaining correct social distance. This Week Tuesday I’ll be having a virtual meeting with people from the Port Of Seattle to work on the whole Port Package Update program. I’ve cajoled, begged, nagged and wheedled enough to residents to contact SeatacNoise.Info if you
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 04/13/2020
I’m late (again) because of the holiday. It’s a funny thing what with the whole COVID-19 deal. The Internet is a wonderful invention and it definitely helps in coping. However, especially at Easter, I’m reminded me how much we all need physical connection. Which is to say, I hope you all found new ways to
... continue reading.Weekly Update: 04/05/2020
1 Comment on Weekly Update: 04/05/2020This Week So, the nice people at Destination Des Moines and the Des Moines Legacy Foundation put together this Restaurant Flyer. I’ll be talking more with them and Seatte South Side Chamber Of Commerce about how to get it out to the entire region. I’d like to see this placed everywhere within five miles of
... continue reading.