Weekly Update: 02/26/2023

2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/26/2023

This Week: City Council meeting features 'goal setting'. I offer a review of last year's similar meetings--and how the Communications Consultant deal got started. Last Week: City Council meeting features Future Cities, communications consultant contract and more cop cars. A follow up to last week's essay on The Hard Fork, which for Des Moines means not making the same mistakes over and over... and over....

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Weekly Update: 02/19/2023

2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/19/2023

This Week: City Council meeting features Future Cities, communications consultant contract and more cop cars. Last Week: Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Highline MAST meeting on Water Quality. A link to an essay on the Hard Fork. An engineering term referring to the decision to move in a new direction and the most successful case study I can think of: Microsoft....

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Weekly Update: 02/12/2023

2 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/12/2023

This Week: Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Highline MAST meeting on Water Quality. Last week testimony on SB5199, a bill to provide funding for Local Journalism co-sponsored by our own Senator Karen Keiser. DMMA Meeting. Meetings with several groups on Des Moines Memorial Drive and SR509. Thursday: Auditor Exit Interview. Good report except for a minor ding on ARPA accounting. A link to an essay on Equity, which will sound a lot like another 'Marina' thing, but really it's about spending the largest chunks of money in our City's history in a way that's fair for the entire community. Including you. :)...

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Weekly Update: 02/05/2023

4 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/05/2023

This week I will be testifying on SB5199, a bill to provide funding for Local Journalism co-sponsored by our own Senator Karen Keiser. Wednesday: Meeting with several groups on Des Moines Memorial Drive and SR509. Thursday: Auditor Exit Interview. This is where the State provides a final evaluation on our financial statements. 02/02/2023 Council Meeting Recap ---Black History Proclamation ---Care for babies born with drug addiction (great presentation!) ---Censure of moi ---Redondo beach declared a 'park' for the purposes of installing a speed camera ---Marina Land side feasibility studies (I voted no)...

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Weekly Update: 12/11/2022

5 Comments on Weekly Update: 12/11/2022

Get get that 3rd COVID Booster (the new ‘bivalent’ model.) Now. Deaths are slowly rising. Again, again, it takes about a month to achieve full efficacy. They’re doing walk-ins now pretty much everywhere. 🙂 This Week Monday: Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (CACC) Workshop. If you are interested in learning more about the possible ‘second airport’, there will

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