Why won’t you stay dead, Item 4a?

1 Comment on Why won’t you stay dead, Item 4a?

The idea of a passenger ferry keeps coming back every few years. Here's a meeting from 2012 which should have driven a stake through its heart. I think the reason it keeps rising from the grave is that most people don't know about these previous attempts. They don't know all the reasons both the County and the State keep trying to tell us, "bad idea." But leadership always thinks "this time will be different!" and says "the situation has changed!" Decide for yourself how much has really changed....

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Mayor’s Speech to Des Moines Marina Association Annual Meeting

4 Comments on Mayor’s Speech to Des Moines Marina Association Annual Meeting

A 'private' community presentation by the Mayor to the DMMA membership. I include a transcript, which the DMMA objected to but whatever, because the Mayor revealed a number of items that should have been part of the September 27 public meeting. Must read....

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