When I ran for City Council, I ran for policies, not against a person. I could have run against any of the three incumbents and had similar results. Because the public is ready for change. Last Thursday’s reappointment was also not about the person, it was about policy. The current majority did not want change and
... continue reading.Policy
Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024
7 Comments on Competitive City Council Races Des Moines 1995-2024*Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. Update: 03/12/2022: At the Thursday March 10, 2022 I said I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of competitive elections in Des Moines over the past ten years. I was wrong. Make that twenty. And three of those winners resigned. Some
... continue reading.My preferred Council Appointment process
Digging back into the cobwebs of history, I have researched several other appointment processes (we’ve had five in the past 25 years.) And there seems to have been a system for having eight (8) applicants which worked well. I’ve decided that this is my preferred process, not just because it seems fair, but because it
... continue reading.Dear Applicant: There may be a quiz
Leave a comment on Dear Applicant: There may be a quizDear Applicant, Thank you for stepping up to serve the City Of Des Moines. Since you have applied for the open City Council position, you will be interviewed at the Thursday February 6 Study Session. According to the Agenda, I will have an opportunity to ask you one question. I can’t tell you what question
... continue reading.Upcoming Study Session: Councilmember Appointment
2 Comments on Upcoming Study Session: Councilmember AppointmentHi, Normally I try not to bug you more than once a week, but the upcoming City Council Meeting (Thursday February 6 @ 7PM) is so important I want to strongly encourage you to attend. Agenda is here. At that Meeting (referred to as a Study Session), the Council will take up a single issue:
... continue reading.Over-compensating?
3 Comments on Over-compensating?I’ve gotten at least two dozen phone calls and messages from residents since last Thursday’s City Council Meeting where our City Manager, Michael Matthias had his annual Performance Review. January 23, 2020 City Council Minutes January 23, 2020 City Council Packet. I said much of what I have to say on this from the dais.
... continue reading.Tough Noogies
1 Comment on Tough NoogiesI am told that the expression ‘tough noogies’ is pretty old. I first heard it on an old Saturday Night Live skit where Bill Murray tortures Gilda Radner. It was funnier than that sounds, but judge for yourself. Every frickin’ time I write anything I get at least one person who insists I either: a)
... continue reading.Resolution 19-113
I kinda wish I didn’t have to write this, but we’re getting off to a bad start council-relationship-wise. I have tried to be as friendly as possible during this transition but this Resolution is pointed directly at Mr. Martinelli and myself and it’s exactly the kind of good-ol’-boy nonsense I ran against so I feel
... continue reading.Shoreline Master Program_201909231251132409
Dear Fireworks Enthusiast…
A drunken neighbour burned my back fence one year by lighting off a rocket horizontally. Apparently, this was his way of celebrating a Seahawks Playoff Game. Fortunately, I came home from work early that night and was able to put out the fire before it spread to my house. I think it’s fair to say
... continue reading.