Highline Times: Des Moines council hires temporary economic development director

Des Moines council hires temporary economic development director Mon, 08/02/2010 After an impassioned discussion about Des Moines’ future and how best to utilize what little extra money the city has, a split City Council voted 4-2 to create a temporary full-time economic development manager position. Marion Yoshino, who has been volunteering on a downtown business

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Competitive City Council Races (Part II)

Last Updated:December 28th, 2023 @ 02:20PM
1 Comment on Competitive City Council Races (Part II)

As I wrote in Part I, we’ve had forty two City Council races or vacancies in the past twenty years, only seventeen competitive races and only thirty eight (38) candidates that may be called ‘competive’. And since many of them obtained office running unopposed or via appointment, the number of candidates who have been tested

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