*Improving the ferry pilot program

My post on the Ferry Pilot Program (with the subtle title This Is Insane) has been one of the best moments in my short career as your low-rent elected. I’ve had the absolute (and rare) pleasure of having at least *ten people tell me last week, At first I was all for it. Then I

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Numbers and goals

A common story I hear is that “Our downtown was always terrible! All the construction cranes since 2016? That means we’re (finally) moving forward!” But OTOH, here are a couple of budget numbers from 2008–right before the bottom dropped out. Note the Sales Tax revenue: Remember: that represents the money that people spend here. It’s

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Marina Redevelopment Talking Points

On August 6, 2021, the City Of Des Moines published its 2021 Draft Marina Master Plan Update.  Almost immediately, residents began speaking with me about serious concerns. I was asked to create ‘talking points’ to try to put those concerns into something digestible. The City’s current information is presented here at https://www.desmoinesmarina.com/marina-master-plan-updates.html If you can

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Marina Redevelopment Town Hall ARPA Proposal

17 Comments on Marina Redevelopment Town Hall ARPA Proposal

My fifth formal proposal to the City Council for ARPA spending is to fund a multi-media presentation ‘explainer’ and Town Hall for Marina Redevelopment. Background The City recently released it’s 2021 Draft Marina Master Plan, which I’ll refer to here as ‘Marina Redevelopment’. But having now spoken with a lot of residents who are lobbying

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