Say ‘No’ to automatic property tax increases. Say no to SB5798

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Friends. Usually I don’t bother you more than once a week. But this is time-sensitive. Please click this link and sign in ‘Con’ for SB5798 if you do NOT want your property taxes raised automatically. Do it by Monday. Background You probably have not heard this. There is a big push in Olympia this

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What does public safety have to do with batteries?

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Normally, I wait until Sunday to post a Weekly Update, but I wanted to share this article as a ‘taster’ of what you can find in every week. Whether you agree with my points of view or not, I think you’ll find they contain lots of useful information. At our last city council meeting, there

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Former City Councilmember says ‘A 64 percent tax increase because the Des Moines City Council won’t do its job!’

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, submitted by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of South King Media, nor its staff:] A 64 percent tax increase because the Des Moines City Council won’t do its job! For the past eight years, the council majority has repeatedly lectured

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Why some King County home values dropped while taxes on them rose

By  Gene Balk / FYI Guy  Seattle Times columnist If you’re a King County homeowner, it’s likely your home’s assessed value fell in 2024. Nearly everywhere in the county, assessed values dropped from last year. But you may be surprised to find your property tax didn’t go down nearly as much as you may have

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