State Of The City Presentation To DMMA (November 11, 2020)

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Back in November, Mayor Pina and Deputy Mayor Mahoney gave a presentation to the Des Moines Marina Association and it’s worth thinking about. I get comments sometimes complaining that all I do is bitch about picayune stuff like parliamentary procedure saying basically “Let’s talk about something real, Dude!” Well, this is as real as it

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Highline Times: Des Moines council hires temporary economic development director

Des Moines council hires temporary economic development director Mon, 08/02/2010 After an impassioned discussion about Des Moines’ future and how best to utilize what little extra money the city has, a split City Council voted 4-2 to create a temporary full-time economic development manager position. Marion Yoshino, who has been volunteering on a downtown business

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