Last year, the Council voted for a six month (which turned into a 12 month) emergency moratorium on permitting in an area along 216th. We were not told why. But apparently the City has already prepared a Draft Ordinance with suggested zoning changes. As part of the legal process, the City is required to send
... continue reading.Airport
An excerpt from STNI: The Chicken or the Egg
2 Comments on An excerpt from STNI: The Chicken or the Egg
As many of you know, my day job is working with SeaTacNoise.Info. We have an upcoming documentary on the community history of Sea-Tac Airport. I'll be publishing a series of 'excerpts' and here is Part I: The Chicken or the Egg--1949-1990, which basically answers the questions: Who was here first? And: How did we let an airport so close to so many people get so big?...
The Clark Street Environmentalist (Labor Day 2022)
Back in the day, my *homebase was a spare room my great friend Stosh set aside for me at his house in Detroit. Stosh was old school union–working seven days a week at Clark Street, aka ‘Cadillac Assembly’. Stosh had wanted to be an artist (he was really good.) But his dad passed, and somebody had
... continue reading.The Deputy Mayor and I exchange comments on social media re. Des Moines Creek West
Introduction At the July 12 Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, Mayor Mahoney and Deputy Mayor Buxton spoke in favour of the Port taking the 14.4 acre slice of WSDOT land west of the current Des Moines Creek Business Park off 216th. You can watch their testimony and get my take on it here. That afternoon,
... continue reading.All or nothing thinking…
Almost everything useful I’ve ever learned came from marriage counseling. 😃 I’m always fascinated how opinions about “the airport” so often fall into what therapists call “all or nothing thinking“. People will say things like The airport was here first! You did hear the airplanes flying overhead when you were looking at houses, right? Don’t like
... continue reading.The Hard Things Are Not Easy
1 Comment on The Hard Things Are Not EasyWho can argue with that, right? 😀 Those were among the final words from Mayor Mahoney at our 7 July Meeting. He was responding to my final comments about the Council’s 6-1 decision to update our Rules Of Procedure in November based on a verbal proposal from Deputy Mayor Buxton. That 1process seemed about the
... continue reading.Port of Seattle assigns Panattoni to develop to Des Moines Creek Business Park West
6 Comments on Port of Seattle assigns Panattoni to develop to Des Moines Creek Business Park WestI almost titled this post “This is what a sellout looks like” But I restrained myself. 🙂 At the 12 July Port of Seattle Commission Meeting, the Port voted to proceed with the Item 10b (Des Moines Creek West Ground Lease.) (Presentation.) This is the scrubby forest land west of the FAA building on 216th
... continue reading.This is what obstruction looks like
Unfortunately, this is yet another one of those situations where the public tends to think, “I don’t care who’s right or wrong. I just want you to stop arguing!” But it matters. There has been a slow, drip, drip break down in the proper functioning of our government, by every Council, over the past 20
... continue reading.May 21, 2015 City Council Packet
Sound insulation should be standard equipment
3 Comments on Sound insulation should be standard equipmentAt Thursday’s meeting, I introduced an item of New Business. Basically an ‘undo key’ on Ordinance 1539 from 2012. Or to put it another way, to re-instate Ordinance 1407 from 2007. To be less confusing: We used to have a section in our building code (Ordinance 1407 from 2007) which required sound insulation in all
... continue reading.