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Weekly Update: 02/05/2023

4 Comments on Weekly Update: 02/05/2023

This week I will be testifying on SB5199, a bill to provide funding for Local Journalism co-sponsored by our own Senator Karen Keiser. Wednesday: Meeting with several groups on Des Moines Memorial Drive and SR509. Thursday: Auditor Exit Interview. This is where the State provides a final evaluation on our financial statements. 02/02/2023 Council Meeting Recap ---Black History Proclamation ---Care for babies born with drug addiction (great presentation!) ---Censure of moi ---Redondo beach declared a 'park' for the purposes of installing a speed camera ---Marina Land side feasibility studies (I voted no)...

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Censure statements from the dais

1 Comment on Censure statements from the dais

These are the two statements I made during the 2 Feb City Council Meeting on 'censure'. I wrote them like this to conform to our current 'four minutes at a time' format. The first makes clear that there is no merit to the accusation and discusses the complete overreaction by the Council and government as a tool of bullying and intimidation. The second discusses how tricky it is to push back against such an allegation and how this form of attack is just one instance of a pattern of deceptive government that must be changed....

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Questions for Marina Study Session

Last Updated:February 10th, 2023

These are the questions I put together in advance of our Marina Study Session. Many are from residents and many are extremely well-reasoned. The vast majority concern 'the hotel' and 100% are opposed to siting it in the north parking lot. I conclude by demonstrating the long standing connections with the Port of Seattle and Des Moines Creek Business Park. The insane 'master plan' was always that the DMCBP, a 'ferry', and anything else that might further airport and cruise traffic would bring some economic renaissance to DM....

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Why won’t you stay dead, Item 4a?

1 Comment on Why won’t you stay dead, Item 4a?

The idea of a passenger ferry keeps coming back every few years. Here's a meeting from 2012 which should have driven a stake through its heart. I think the reason it keeps rising from the grave is that most people don't know about these previous attempts. They don't know all the reasons both the County and the State keep trying to tell us, "bad idea." But leadership always thinks "this time will be different!" and says "the situation has changed!" Decide for yourself how much has really changed....

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Let’s talk about drainage!

I'm pleasantly surprised to hear that there is a lot of interest in the whole 'bioswale' and 'urban creek' discussion from the September 27, 2022 Marina Town Hall. Because nothing gets me excited quite like having a few drinks and talking about drainage. :) The problem is that every scientist you speak to tends to respond "Hell yeah!" They may even talk in terms of 'Environmental Justice' and 'under-served communities' which might create the impression that any concerns about 'costs' are reactionary and anti-environment. Au contraire......

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