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Marina Steps Community Meeting Post Game

For those of you who missed the February 13, 2024 Marina Steps Community Meeting.

Full slide deck

Des Moines Marina Steps Public Forum Presentation-02.13.2024


Here is a cleaned up video originally shot by Mayor Buxton; with subtitles.

More Info

What do I think? 😀

In my weekly meeting with Interim City Manager, I was asked what I thought. And I’ve been thinking about what I think. Currently I have a ton of uncoordinated impressions:

  • Many residents will assume that ‘the boat has sailed’ (see what I did there? 😀 ) After all, we voted to spend the money. The City has no more plans for community meetings, and the engineers describe the project as being “at 30%”, which is generally developer-speak for  ‘baked’. So a certain number of people will think that any critique is at minimum pointless, and at worst impolite. As I said, I don’t know my own mind yet, but I do know that I disagree with that.
  • Beyond that, my feelings are in two broad categories, the project itself and the presentation. The presentation probably looked great to some by comparison with the last Marina Redevelopment Community meeting. But that’s like comparing  your last cruise with the Titanic. 😀
  • As far as the project, the one slide in the presentation that was not there and which kinda irked me, involved the ‘interfaces’, ie. the bottom and TOP OF THE FREAKIN’ HILL. 😀 What I desperately want to know is what the edge of 223rd will look like (what is currently known as Overlook I). To me, that is the key spot to the whole shebang because that is where people will head down (or up) to 223rd.
  • There’s one other thing: When people heading west on 223rd hit that interface, they have another choice. They can turn right and head down Cliff Ave. Currently one of the most popular (and often dangerous)  choices a pedestrian can make in the entire city.
  • The top of the hillside, aka the foot of 223rd is Overlook Park I (not to be confused with Overlook Park II to the north. The core function of the Marina Steps is to allow people a way to walk up and down to and from the Marina.
  • The road past Overlook II connecting 222nd to Cliff (and the hairpin turn) will be closed off

In my view, that top interface and improvements to that pathway down Cliff Ave. should be presented now. Why now? Because *we’re rebuilding the entire freakin’ hill, man! 😀 If we’re building those steps, we’ll be pushing a ton (actually many tons) of dirt around. I think we should have the design of that top interface, including the design of pedestrian-friendly walkway down Cliff Ave. now.


One last thing while I’m thinking out loud…

On my way home I took this piccie of the fishing pier. And I’ll irritate some by saying that this is absolutely nothing special. You can see that image pretty much any night of the week. What makes it very special is the fact that you can see this glorious image pretty much any night of the week.

What’s ‘nothing special’ is the Fishing Pier itself. It has no uniquely great ‘design features’. It just does what a fishing pier is meant to do. The beauty is just a bonus. I would argue that the beauty overtook the functionality many years ago. In other words, it’s become an iconic civic space that now just happens to allow for some fishing.

Get it? It’s unintentionally iconic. And along with some sailboats, it is the branding of Des Moines. It sets us apart. But it wasn’t like someone designed it to be ‘iconic’. They designed a fishing pier.

I guess what I’m saying, and this just might be my engineery bias showing,  if the core functions of the thing yer building perform well, the other jazz takes care of itself. (And by ‘jazz’ I mean aesthetics, entertainment, tourism, etc.)

The Marina and Fishing Pier have both performed their core functions admirably. Again, the beauty and civic benefits are just a bonus.

At bottom, the Marina Steps core function should be to efficiently connect people of all ages and abilities with the Marina and Downtown.

So the question I’m asking, as I talk to people and stare at these slides is the following: “How well will this Steps project perform its core function?”

*Best resident comment of all time. Finalist. Actually, the complete quote is “I didn’t really think about it until now but we’re rebuilding the entire freakin’ hill, man.” Yes. Yes we are. 😀


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