Nichols left in mutual agreement with Douglas County, Nevada before his contract expired Mon, 08/08/2016 by Clara McMichael James Nichols – the candidate tapped as the new city manager for Des Moines – wrapped up a short-lived experience earlier this year in a similar position for Douglas County, Nevada. Douglas County has marked similarities to
... continue reading.History
Des Moines Offers Nichols City Manager Position
City Council selects James Nichols out of a pool of four finalists for city manager Clara McMichael Tue, 08/02/2016 We need somebody who’s going to be a great communicator, and through all the interviews and reviewing background and looking at skills sets, Jim Nichols fits the leadership and the communications skills sets above all others,”
... continue reading.Highline Times: Four Finalists for Des Moines City Manager
Des Moines in the process of choosing a new city manager Tue, 07/26/2016 by Clara McMichael On July 20, the city of Des Moines hosted a meet-and-greet so community members could meet with the four finalists that the city council has chosen to fill the position of city manager. The four finalists are Michael Matthias,
... continue reading.LETTER: Des Moines Mayor Kaplan says utility tax is off Dec. 17 council agenda
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written by a Reader. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Waterland Blog nor its staff:] Based on conversations with fellow councilmembers and the public, I’ve pulled the utility tax issue off of the December 17th Des Moines City Council agenda. It will not
... continue reading.MAYOR: State voters, Legislature have taken away much of Des Moines’ income
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a letter released Nov. 24, 2015 by Des Moines Mayor Dave Kaplan: State voters, Legislature have taken away much of Des Moines’ income by Mayor Dave Kaplan For the past several months, the City Council has been working to address our long-term financial issues through the 2016 budget process. In conjunction
... continue reading.Letter to the Waterland Blog by Mayor Dave Kaplan on 2016 Budget
State voters, Legislature have taken away much of Des Moines’ income by Mayor Dave Kaplan For the past several months, the City Council has been working to address our long-term financial issues through the 2016 budget process. In conjunction with our economic development efforts, which is the key to making the City financially sustainable in the
... continue reading.City hired attorney will represent the city, not individual citizens, protestors told
by Jack Mayne People expecting an attorney hired by the Des Moines City Council to advise them of ways they can appeal in the Woodmont area drug and substance rehabilitation facility will be disappointed. “Any lawyer hired by the city will make decisions for the city and not the citizens of Des Moines,” Councilmember Bob Sheckler told
... continue reading.City hired attorney will represent the city, not individual citizens, protestors told
10 Comments Print This Post by Jack Mayne People expecting an attorney hired by the Des Moines City Council to advise them of ways they can appeal in the Woodmont area drug and substance rehabilitation facility will be disappointed. “Any lawyer hired by the city will make decisions for the city and not the citizens of
... continue reading.Citizens object as Council considers cutting Parks Director, Harbormaster
by Jack Mayne Twenty-five people took more than an hour last Thursday night (Sept. 17) to tell the Des Moines City Council not to cut the jobs of the city’s Parks Director and Harbormaster, and to find money to keep these important, well respected department heads in their jobs. The changes were only proposed and none of
... continue reading.Vandals cause over $15,000 of damage to Des Moines Beach Park Auditorium
Seven large colored glass windows and one of the entrance doors at the Des Moines Beach Park Auditorium were smashed with rocks by unknown vandals this past weekend, sometime between early Sunday morning and early Monday morning. The damage to the building is estimated at over $15,000, according to Patrice Thorell, Parks, Recreation and Senior
... continue reading.