City Manager 2024 Official Budget Announcement

According to State law, the City is required to have a draft budget ready to go on October 1st. Here is the announcement to the City Council from Interim City Manager Tim George.

Des Moines Submitted Budget October 1, 2024

Mayor and Councilmembers,

In compliance with state law, the attached budget was provided to the City Clerk yesterday. This is a balanced budget for 2025-26. In order to do this we made the budget adjustments listed below which provided approximately 3.44 million in either budget cuts or new revenue. This left us with a shortfall of $836k in 2025 and $1.6 million in 2026. To cover that gap, this budget proposes blanket staff reductions from each department based on their proportionate share of the total budget. This strategy is not ideal and is only being used as a placeholder while we continue to develop the budget over the next few months and then as we make amendments in 2025 and beyond. All of this information will be presented in greater detail tomorrow night at the Study Session.

Des Moines Submitted Budget 10-1-24


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