Local group aims to save Normandy Park Police positions

By Michele Smith

On November 3rd, 2015, residents of Normandy Park voted ‘no’ on a levy that would have continued funding for two Police Officer positions and a Records Specialist position. The levy failed by 283 votes and the layoffs will happen Jan. 1, 2016 in order for the city to balance the 2015-16 budget.

Believing these layoffs will have a significantly negative impact on safety in their community, Normandy Park residents Patti Gifford, Gerry Osgood, Lynn Hewitt, Susan West and Tom Munslow began a grassroots effort and a 501(c)3 foundation called Friends of Normandy Park (FONP) that also includes community members and local businesses tasked with raising funds through event and project planning. They are currently seeking donations in the amount of $276,000 to save the three Police Department positions for 2016.

Retaining these positions would maintain the minimum level of police support the group believes is necessary although the department would still be two positions short from a full-size staff of 12 full-time Police Officers, 1 Community Service Officer and two Records staff.

“We are just trying to solve this problem now and keep the police at full strength for 2016. If we have layoffs, there are costs. If we then rehire, we have more costs. It is not fiscally prudent to do that. All the money we raise will go to salaries and benefits: health, disability insurance, retirement.” Stuart Jenner, an organizer and volunteer with FONP told us.

So why did the levy fail?

Property taxes are the main financial support for city services and every few years, Normandy Park must renew the property tax levy to move the amount up to the maximum of $1.60 per thousand to maintain services, but in November, the levy lid lift on the election ballot was defeated by a margin of 56% to 44%, or 283 votes.

“We passed a levy lift several years ago.  There was no organized opposition to the levy lift. I think though there was very little information. The City hosted a few community meetings, but they were not well attended. There was no candidate forum in Normandy Park which would have been a chance for a pro/con to debate. There also were no opposition mailings or ads or yard signs.  So it is definitely a surprise that the levy lift failed.” said Jenner.

(To make a tax deductible donation, send directly to the Friends of Normandy Park Foundation. All donations will be exclusively earmarked for the salaries of the three police department positions. If the money will not cover the salaries exclusively, the money will still remain in the police department as will any excess funds.


To find out more details, visit the FONP website: http://www.supportnormandyparkpolice.com/home.html
To donate online use the GoFundMe Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/supportnppolice)

Or mail checks directly to:
17837 1ST AVE S, BOX 720