by Jack Mayne
People expecting an attorney hired by the Des Moines City Council to advise them of ways they can appeal in the Woodmont area drug and substance rehabilitation facility will be disappointed.
“Any lawyer hired by the city will make decisions for the city and not the citizens of Des Moines,” Councilmember Bob Sheckler told the Council audience at the meeting (Oct. 15). If citizens want a lawyer to tell them their rights, they need to hire their own lawyer, Sheckler said.
The meeting came as the Council was informed the proposed facility will be placed on hold until at least 2016, giving Valley Cities time to find another location for some or all of its operations.
Mayor Dave Kaplan said everything was on hold, “particularly the final design review decision and the building permit application…”
Kaplan said the City of Des Moines will do nothing more on the proposed area drug and substance rehabilitation facility until at least 2016, giving Valley Cities time to find another location for some or all of its operations
Still want a lawyer
But some wanted to continue the search for facts on the State Environmental Policy Act and earlier appeals.
Resident Sheila Brush said the Woodmont project is only on hold and there could come a time in the future when decisions are made that people may want to appeal and a lowering or waiver of the city’s $800 administrative appeal fee.
Urquhart said City Manager Tony Piasecki had the power to waive the fee that is higher than other cities. For example, she said, Kent charges $250 for an appeal, Federal Way charges $120.50, and it is $500 in Normandy Park but the city’s website shows how to get the appeal free waived.
“The City of Bellevue charges zero,” she said.
Piasecki said he could make changes, but only after he reviews the issue.
No courtesy to Des Moines
Brush then told of seeing online a presentation by Ken Taylor of Valley Cities to the Federal Way City Council on Feb. 17, before the Des Moines land was purchased.
“The project is huge, the largest thing I have ever undertaken in my 30-plus years. Technically it is not in Federal Way but in Des Moines,” she quoted Taylor as telling the Federal Way Council. ‘As far as I know, it has never been done before.’”
Brush said, “that is so scary and I know it may be moving (to a new location) but the fact that he acknowledged the City of Federal Way and didn’t have the courtesy to come before you, like I am doing now, and before all of you, and let us all know what was coming down the pike.”
Brush told the Council it would take a lot of work “so we don’t get into this pickle again.”
Outside lawyer
Candace Urquhart wanted to make certain the Council’s hiring of an outside lawyer would continue despite the pause in the Valley Cities’ project.
“Let’s use this time, educate ourselves.”
She noted the city attorney had told prospective lawyers to look at the city’s web site, but since they were potentially charging $400 an hour, that was not a wise decision.
City Attorney Pat Bosmans said it was up to individual lawyers to decide what sort of research they needed to do.
Bosmans said that any attorney hired by the city must speak for the city.
“The attorney can’t speak for the citizens, generally. That is just not the role,” Bosmans told Urquhart, who said she was “disappointed at this use of money.”
Councilmember Bob Sheckler he has never been able to answer what is it we want from outside counsel.
“If we are looking to get an opinion to see if there were any missteps in the SEPA determination, then that is wrong. To imply that, I think is wrong, too, and if people think that is what we are trying to do, I am sorry to say that that isn’t true. Any opportunities for those appeals have long … passed.”
Sheckler said if responsible lawyers review the matter they are going to say there is nothing the city can do, the issue is beyond that.
“If there was an attorney brought in on this, it is going to represent the city, it isn’t going to represent the city, it is not going to represent the public,” Sheckler said.
“If we hire them, they are not going to represent you,” he said to a person in the audience who questioned his logic.
“If you wanted an attorney to represent you, then you have to get your own. But, again, any attorney who is responsible is going to look at the SEPA determination that was made and the LUPA (Land Use Petition Act) appeal and say, ‘I am not going to touch it.”
Mayor Pro-Tem Matt Pina said a meeting has been set to discuss what the Council wants from the outside review.
10 Responses to “City hired attorney will represent the city, not individual citizens, protestors told”
Bob Scheckler, not surprised at all just what we expected from you, Your a real piece of work a real beauty pal.
You have done more then your share to help tear this city down, you can’t be gone soon enough.
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A lot of people have spent hundred’s of thousand’s of hours in what we believe in. Whether your pro-con on the subject, the Woomont Recovery Campus has no business in the location that Valley Cities wants it. Valley Cities has no guarantee that the local surrounding’s would be safe. They have NEVER, as any health clinic, took on such a large project, with such a huge responsibility that goes with it. All we’re trying to do is keep the children safe. If we can save one child, then all our efforts were worth it. We understand the need for these facility’s, but we must use caution, where caution is do. Sadly our city council has failed us once again. They have been secretive since the very beginning! I’ve always felt there’s more to this story, kickbacks etc? If you ever want Des Moines to be what it once was, a quite little city by the bay. Then YOU must vote out those who run this city. Only higher taxes, and more disappointments will follow. Help us take back our city from these incompetent’s…Rr
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I must be confused. Here I thought that the Citizens of Des Moines were the city? Isn’t this where we live, pay taxes, vote? Aren’t the elected and hired officials servants of the citizenry? In what theory of political science are the two separate? Despotic or Fascist State?
“Any lawyer hired by the city will make decisions for the city and not the citizens of Des Moines,” Councilmember Bob Sheckler told the Council audience…” Mr. Sheckler, did you really say this? Please, on what political theory and belief system did you base this statement? You’re sounding like a Despotic Oligarch to me.
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Yes he said that and he was correct. The Washington Bar Association’s code of ethics says this about lawyers hired by a city:
“If staff members, officials, or members of the public appear to believe that you represent them in their individual capacity, clarify to them that you represent the municipality as a whole, as directed by the public officials authorized to give direction … ” Further, RPC l.13(f) states that “[i]n dealing with an organization’s directors, officers, employees, members, shareholders or other constituents, a lawyer shall explain the identity of the client when the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the organization’s interests are adverse to those of the constituents with whom the lawyer is dealing.”
In other words a lawyer hired by the City of Des Moines represents the corporate entity of Des Moines and NOT citizens who may have views, opinions or motives at odds with city as an organization. The only way individuals can get representation in this or similiar matter you have to hire your own legal assistance NOT depend on the city.
Did anyone else laugh when they saw the horribly photo-shopped head of appointed Councilperson Luisa Bangs on the body of former Councilperson Burrage’s body in the scrolling photo above?
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Remember the good ole days where the people and citizens could vote to decide what we wanted…. now mismanaged councilmen decide for us, and we are required to lawyer up if we want anything to do about it.
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Yes, I agree with the previous writers !
A city is its citizens !!
The Gettysburg Address says that “government is of the people,
by the people and for the people!
Also, I would add that there are “meeting points” of government and its citizens”that are regularly called for. The adversarial commentary of one of the Des Moines council members is unfortunate at best as is the lack of explanation as to why the law firm is being hired. There appears to be denial and defensiveness as part of these behaviors and hopefully the Federal Way Mirror sees as as a city unto our own and not a neighborhood of Federal Way.
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You’ll agree to anything if it helps to get you elected.
Hot debate. What do you think?
Sorry you feel that way.
As a Professor of Ethics and Social Justice, my values matter much more to me than any elected office, even one where I and my family live. Also, language is one of the definers of what any of us says in response to real-time events that happen or are spoken about.. Of course, your interpretation of what others say matters and is of significant importance.
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Good grief Ken… I agree Dr. Szabo!
Hot debate. What do you think?